We are in Oria, a town 34 km from Brindisi, in Apulian region, Salento land...Oria is famous for its castle, built by King Federico II in 1225 and for the feast in honour of the Saint Doctors...
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...five brothers, Cosimo, Damiano, Leonzio, Antimo and Eupremio who were born and lived in the Middle East. The people from Oria are very devout...
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In the Cathedral square a lot of people are waiting for the Saint Doctors Statues...
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The Statues are being carried in procession across the streets of Oria. People are praying and singing holy songs...
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When the Statues arrive in the Castle square, all the people feel a big emotion...
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The band stops playing and slowly each Statue is carried across the square. He seems to bless the devout people...
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There is Saint Barsanofio too, the patron Saint of Oria. He was born and lived in the Middle East too...
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Every year, on the fifth Thursday after Easter, there is this feast which is so big and so rich of emotions!